Category: Infos
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THE AFRICAN DEBATE G5 Sahel: the organization of civil society against insecurity By Alain Foka Broadcast: Sunday, December 22, 2019
In the Sahel, beset by increasingly deadly terrorist attacks and where the armies seem overwhelmed by the scale of the situation, civil society is trying to organize itself. Self-defense militias, but also and above all private security companies are multiplying throughout the region. They ensure the security of companies and banks, escort politicians, sometimes even […]
FAFPA-SNS-Cabinet Moya collaboration
A ceremony for the presentation of end-of-training certificates took place this morning in Bamako. This training, co-initiated by the Société Nouvelle de Sécurité and the MOYA Cabinet through the FAFPA Vocational Training Support Fund, concerned 100 young people (job seekers) who received their final training papers. this morning at EFOPPRIMES (Vocational Training School for Security […]
Release of the first promotion in Mali
They are finally ready to serve Mali in terms of private security. The Société Nouvelle de Sécurité, still in its internal policy of recruiting only trained Agents, has sent young job seekers in the field of private security to the Private Vocational Training School for Security Professions (EFOPPRIMES). . After three weeks of training on […]
Yacine Diallo, among the economic personalities of the year 2016
Chairman and CEO of the Nigerien Security Society (SNS) and founder of the Private Vocational Training School for Security Professions (EFFOPRIMES), Yacine Diallo is a pioneer in his field of activity. During 2016, Yacine Diallo carried out several actions that marked Business Challenge. First, it is about the voluntarism it has shown in raising awareness […]
Private companies for surveillance and security, transport of funds and protection of persons: A new law to ensure an efficient exercise of the profession
The Minister of Security and Civil Protection was yesterday at the National Assembly to defend in plenary session, the draft relating to the modification of law n ° 96-020 of February 21, 1996 relating to private companies of surveillance and guarding, transport of funds and protection of people, the implementation of which over the past […]