Private companies for surveillance and security, transport of funds and protection of persons: A new law to ensure an efficient exercise of the profession

The Minister of Security and Civil Protection was yesterday at the National Assembly to defend in plenary session, the draft relating to the modification of law n ° 96-020 of February 21, 1996 relating to private companies of surveillance and guarding, transport of funds and protection of people, the implementation of which over the past two decades has made it possible to identify certain shortcomings, inadequacies and shortcomings that should be corrected.

With the evolution of the security context in our country, the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection has deemed it essential to get ahead of events. This was all the more necessary as the resurgence of insecurity both in the cities and in the countryside had generated a proliferation of private companies for surveillance and guarding, transport of funds and protection of people throughout the country. of the national territory, sometimes to the detriment of the professionalization of the activity. To date, there are more than 300 private surveillance and security companies in Mali, 08 private cash transport companies and 04 private personal protection companies.

Far from being a handicap a priori, the exercise of the activity of these private companies could constitute a means of reinforcing the action of the public security services which face, with insufficient staff, an “ocean” of needs constantly expressed by the populations. Hence the need to establish complementarity between the different actors within the framework of the public-private partnership in the field of security.

First, with this new law, the security department intends to make many innovations that are beneficial to the influence of the security sector in Mali. Among other things, the professionalization of the activity of private security companies, which undoubtedly requires a substantial professional aptitude in this area. Another beneficial effect will be the introduction of the obligation for private companies of surveillance, security, transport of funds and protection of persons to now subject the agents candidates for recruitment to the formalities of medical examination and to the investigation of morality. concerning. Another major obligation for promoters will be to provide training for their agents either in private training centers approved for this purpose, or with the support of state services in this area. Also, officers will now have the possibility of using self-defense gases, fire equipment, dogs, batons and shotguns that the old law did not allow them in the exercise of their duties. surveillance and security activities, transport of funds and protection of persons. The same applies to personnel responsible for the protection of persons who were also not authorized to carry firearms in the performance of their duties.

All these measures aim to improve the quality of services provided by surveillance and security companies, cash transport and personal protection companies and, consequently, to strengthen the security of people and property throughout the national territory. As the issue was well received by the deputies, they unanimously voted on the news submitted by the security department.
