Since its creation in 2008, the S.N.S group has quickly established itself as one of the leading organizations in the fight against insecurity in Niger. SNS expands its activities to many sectors. This willingness for diversification turns out to be a unique enhancer for the quality of the services offered. The qualitative and quantitative criteria of the personnel assigned to a site, as well as the instructions, are the result of the dialogue established between the client and our experts.
Now established in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, S.N.S group offers any professional in the private or public sector an ambitious partnership, based on rigor and professionalism. As a security entity, S.N.S. group offers its clients: security agents, security officers, analysts, international experts, etc. for providing them efficient security. Due to their unique profile, SNS agents are characterized mastery and rigor in order to best serve the safety of the clients they support.
In an extremely competitive security market, S.N.S. Group has established itself as a specialist in consulting, preventing and implementing security projects. Driven by a strong entrepreneurial dynamic, S.N.S group has based its business model on a culture of results. It is in this logic that the entire offer is structured: security professionals who combine extensive field experience and an in-depth organizational know-how; tailor-made calibrated missions punctuated by efficient processes.
The SNS group has four departments, each with specific services.
1- SNS: this is the first department which main activities are:
Provision of armed or unarmed agents
V.I.P support
Provision of heavy vehicles (armored vehicles, limousines, 4 × 4) for sensitive missions
Full events security (concerts, weddings, seminars, conferences, etc.)
Provision of hostesses (switchboard operators, receptionists, for managing events, etc.)
Money transfer
2- EFOPPRIMES: the Private Vocational School for Security Professions, is the second entity of the group. It is a recognized school, the only one in the West African region to provide people and property security training. It provides cutting-edge training for agents and staff of international and domestic organizations. Training courses encompass: Safe Driving, First Aid, Fire Safety, Preventive Safety, Crisis Management, Protocol Escort, Administration Security, IT Security, Security Techniques, filtering and searches, etc….
3- TPS: this is the department responsible for developing computerized security-related solutions. It takes care of everything new in technology in the security field: development of security applications, installation of surveillance and remote video surveillance devices, sale of security equipment, etc. This department has developed an application that allows any user to be able to launch an alert with a simple click when one is in a risk situation (malaise, attack, accident in a high-risk area, kidnapping, etc.). It allows the victim to be geo-localized and be rescued by a brigade in the following minutes. This application, already used by many actors of international organizations, is functional in more than 35 countries in the world. . 4- INFO’SEC: this is the media branch of the group. It is publishing a periodical magazine, aimed at security professionals, focusing on security issues in the G5 Sahel region.