FAFPA-SNS-Cabinet Moya collaboration

A ceremony for the presentation of end-of-training certificates took place this morning in Bamako. This training, co-initiated by the Société Nouvelle de Sécurité and the MOYA Cabinet through the FAFPA Vocational Training Support Fund, concerned 100 young people (job seekers) who received their final training papers. this morning at EFOPPRIMES (Vocational Training School for Security Professions).

The objective of this training, which lasted 20 days, is the strengthening of skills, the acquisition of techniques and practices in the private security sector.

All the recipients have been trained in Safety Prevention for men and women. It is with complete satisfaction that these 100 young Malians received their training certificates.
After practical exercises, in particular in first aid, self-defense, special criminal law, body language, these young women and men received end-of-training certificates in order to encourage their professional integration.

Speaking shortly before the handing over of the parchments, Mr. Traoré Tounko, Head of the Continuing Education Unit and representing the Director of FAFPA, specified that these young people are trained following the will of the State authorities who wish to return more professional the private security sector. He did not fail to provide them with invaluable advice for the exercise of their profession.

Mr. Léonce Amenuvor, Country DG of the Société Nouvelle de Sécurité, for his part praised the support of FAFPA which, under the leadership of its Director and the supervision of the Minister of Vocational Training and Employment, spares no effort. effort to support young people in their professional integration. He also explained the selection process of SNS agents which necessarily involves qualified training which is in perfect harmony with the spirit of Law No. 14 of June 12, 2017 which in its article 27 makes the training of security agents. security a must for private security companies.

Recall that at the end of this training all these 100 young people were recruited and have already started practicing in the field.

The ceremony ended with a cocktail.